January 25, 2011

Teaching prop - Part 1: Things I must carry to class

I can never understand how a teacher can ONLY bring a textbook and a marker to their classroom, because that will never be me! Ask anybody who has seen me in action, they'll say that I should have a trolley to replace my enormous tote bags full of papers, markers, magnets, pens, and many more...

When I go to class, here are the things that I must carry:
  • My one and only folder where I keep my lesson plans, notes where I scribble down ideas, my teaching schedule that I personalize, and class lists,
  • A copy of whatever textbooks my class is using,
  • Color-coded folders designated for each class I teach. In each of these folders, I keep all worksheets and other students' work. Every time I make copies of worksheets, I immediately separate them into the-many-number-of-classes-I-have and put them in their respective folder. And since they're color-coded, I won't have any trouble identifying which folder to bring to class! 
  • Stationery: board markers (blue and black, must have! I like these ones with medium bullet tip), a lot of pens and pencils (enough to share with students who won't stop playing with their clicky pens because the sounds are borderly annoying!), colorful magnets, masking tape wrapped around a pen (instead of the whole 100 yards), Blu-tacks, and scissors,
  • My quiet chime that helps me quiet down the class (my students call them my "ting-ting")
  • A camera to capture the creativity and silliness in class (this doesn't happen as often as I'd like to unfortunately),
  • A flash drive that stores the "magic tricks."
 I wish I were home now so I could take pictures of every item on the list, and for your pleasure, a picture of me carrying all of these on 5" heels!

Now to some of these may not seem a lot, but for a tiny person like me, these are more than what I can carry most of the times... I don't like having to leave the class unattended to get things from the teacher's room that is pretty far from most of my classes. And most importantly, I like to be prepared for the "unpredictability of classroom situations." So, I lug my stuff from class to class while thinking when I would have a superpower to teleport myself straight to class! :)

    1 comment:

    1. malam mbak tia, saya mau tanya, saya baru saja mengajar bahasa inggris SD awal semester ini, saya masih meraba raba kira kira game sederhana bagaimana yang cocok diterapkan kepada siswa SD kelas 4 s/d 6, terima kasih :)
