Using the same review questions, my students and I had a fun "Soccer Match" in the class, and here's what to do:
You need:
- a dice (preferably the fuzzy dice so won't rolled away easily when thrown around in the class)
- a picture of a soccer field drawn on the board (see example-1)
- a magnet (I like to paste a picture of a soccer ball onto the magnet so it feels like a "real" soccer match)
- small pieces of papers with numbers (as many as the number of students in one team x 3 sets)
- a list of review questions. I usually make questions that elicit short answers (definitions, examples, list of reasons/characteristics, etc.)
- Divide the class into two teams
- Assign a number to each student in each group (Thus, there are two students in different teams with the same number). I give them the small papers with numbers so the students will remember.
- Start the game by placing the "soccer ball on a magnet" in the middle of the soccer field you drew and draw the spots where the ball will move to (see example-1)
- Toss a coin to start the game with a kickoff. Be sure the students are aware which goal to score to.
- Pick a number and ask the two students whose number is picked to stand up and prepare to answer a question. I pick the number randomly from the 3rd set to make sure that everyone gets a chance to answer a question.
- Whichever student is able to answer the question correctly first will throw the dice, say 3 comes out. I then move the "soccer ball on a magnet" 3 steps in the direction of the student's opponent goal (see example-2)
- Repeat the preview two steps until a team scores, and then the ball will go back to the middle for another kickoff.
Thanks to my friend, Wendy Mao for giving me this idea that became a big hit in my classes! :) Xie xie...
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