January 21, 2011

Reviewing materials for exams - Part 1: Soccer match in class!

My students always ask that we play games in class to review materials prior to exam week. Basically, they'd like to do something fun, involves little writing, yet helps them review the materials. Thanks to the creative and generous teachers out there, I have made some review games using Microsoft Power Point. However, I often became one of those unlucky one teachers and didn't get an LCD projector so there goes my plan on playing games I spent hours making...

Using the same review questions, my students and I had a fun "Soccer Match" in the class, and here's what to do:

You need:
  • a dice (preferably the fuzzy dice so won't rolled away easily when thrown around in the class)
  • a picture of a soccer field drawn on the board (see example-1)
  • a magnet (I like to paste a picture of a soccer ball onto the magnet so it feels like a "real" soccer match)
  • small pieces of papers with numbers (as many as the number of students in one team x 3 sets)
  • a list of review questions. I usually make questions that elicit short answers (definitions, examples, list of reasons/characteristics, etc.)
What to do: 
  • Divide the class into two teams
  • Assign a number to each student in each group (Thus, there are two students in different teams with the same number). I give them the small papers with numbers so the students will remember.
  • Start the game by placing the "soccer ball on a magnet" in the middle of the soccer field you drew and draw the spots where the ball will move to (see example-1)
  • Toss a coin to start the game with a kickoff. Be sure the students are aware which goal to score to. 
  • Pick a number and ask the two students whose number is picked to stand up and prepare to answer a question. I pick the number randomly from the 3rd set to make sure that everyone gets a chance to answer a question.
  • Whichever student is able to answer the question correctly first will throw the dice, say 3 comes out. I then move the "soccer ball on a magnet" 3 steps in the direction of the student's opponent goal (see example-2)
  • Repeat the preview two steps until a team scores, and then the ball will go back to the middle for another kickoff. 
Be sure to spend some time explaining the concepts every now and then, as this game is meant to be a review session.

Thanks to my friend, Wendy Mao for giving me this idea that became a big hit in my classes! :) Xie xie...

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